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John Maxwell’s Writing Partner, Charlie Wetzel

charliewetzelCharlie Wetzel is on Driven to Business, airing Saturday June 7th at 11 AM on WAFS Biz 1190 AM Atlanta.

Charlie is John Maxwell’s writing partner, having co authored over 50 books with John.  He’s a fascinating guest, with a terrific background.

Charlie rose from being a chef in New Orleans, to one of the best known authors of leadership books in the world.

Listen in as Eddie and Charlie discuss the timeless principles of  leadership, the background story of many of his books, and his future plans.    Tune in to Driven to Business, hosted by Eddie Mayfield, every Saturday at 11 AM on WAFS  Atlanta’s Biz 1190 AM. The best business radio in Atlanta!

Driven to Business also streams live on and is podcast on