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Eddie Mayfield: When Business is Slow


eddieSlow times are inevitable in almost every business.  Even successful businesses can experience down times.  Often the difference between businesses that succeed long term, and those that do not is how that business handles slowdowns.   Eddie Mayfield, drawing from both his own experiences, and his observations of other businesses, gives us some hints in this broadcast of Driven to Business.

  • Recognize that slow times are inevitable
  • Keep your emotions positive
  • Determine if this slow time is an anomaly, or a trend..  if a trend, then: examine your  business model,  customer base, products, and services for viability
  • Call past customers, write internet blogs, advertise, sell.
  • Keep Quality High..

Slow times often force us to do things that we SHOULD have been doing when times were good, but the tasks of running the business during busy times precluded them.   Now is a great time to fix those issues.

It’s very easy to become depressed when you see business slow down.  Get some help in this area.  Talk to other trusted business people, to your pastor, to your friends, or even get professional help if necessary. Your  business needs you.

Eddie shares personal experiences with dealing with slow times, and gives a number of helpful hints for pulling your business back out of it.   You must examine your business model carefully;  as Eddie says, if you’re selling sliderules in a calculator world, you need to change your model.

This is both a teaching and an encouraging program.

Driven to Business, with Eddie Mayfield airs every Saturday at 11 AM on WAFS, Biz 1190 AM.  Driven to Business streams live on biz and is podcast on both and itunes.  Simply the best business radio in Atlanta-Driven to Business.