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The Cloud: With Dharmesh Vora


Dharmesh Vora is the founder and president of Medhtech, an IT consulting firm.  Businesses of all sizes today are faced with a rapidly changing IT environment,  and it can be overwhelming.

Eddie and Dharmesh discuss Cloud computing, internet and system security, and enterprise software.

What are some of the decision criteria that a business manager should use in deciding whether to use cloud based or more traditional software?  How do you insure that your data is secure?

It’s an interesting discussion that every business leader should hear.

Driven to Business, hosted by Eddie Mayfield, is heard every Saturday at 11 AM on Atlanta’s Biz 1190 AM radio.  The program is streamed live on and podcast on and itunes.  Download the Biz 1190 App!.

Simply the best business radio in Atlanta..  Driven to Business.