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Leadership… with Michael Bryant..


Michael Bryant is a business coach and the founder of LED Consulting.  Listen as Eddie and Michael have an engaging discussion about business, life, and leadership.

“The difference between successful and unsuccessful is easy. It’s easy to sleep in and skip the exercise routine. It’s easy to eat whatever is available or looks good rather than eating what is good for you. It’s easy to coast at work rather than giving your best to add value to the organization. It’s easy to not set goals for your personal growth. It’s easy to not take the necessary steps to achieve the goals you set. It’s easy to blame others or the economy or the government or the rich for your situation.” Michael Bryant

Michael is our special guest on Driven to Business, airing on August 31; 11 AM on Atlanta’s Business Radio, Biz 1190 AM.  Driven to Business.. the best business program on Atlanta Radio..  tune in.