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Jimmy Collins.. former President and COO of Chick Fil A on Driven to Business

jimmy collins

Jimmy Collins is an American success story if there ever was one.  Starting life in a share cropper’s shack in Georgia, he rose through the business ranks to become president of one of the most successful companies in the world.  Chick Fil A doesn’t just have customers, they have rabid fans, and Jimmy was a big part of that.

People starting from  humble means doing well in business, while always interesting, isn’t all that unique to America.  But Jimmy Collins’ perspectives on how and why it happened to him is.

Jimmy wrote a book about his career, called In the Path of  Greatness” or “Creative creative followershipFollowership“.  His book is terrific, and should be required reading for executives and their staffs at every organization.  But it’s the man behind the book that I find interesting.  The premise of  what Jimmy calls Creative Followership comes from a bible passage.  Proverbs 27:18.. “He who tends the fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who cares for his master will be honored.”

Jimmy was the right hand man to Chick Fil A founder Truett Cathy, and his insights and advice for people at every level of their career is both inspiring and, in many ways, unexpected from a senior executive.

Tune in as Eddie and Jimmy discuss not only his career, but how business leaders can develop a people centered culture within their organizations, how to handle customer problems, how to hire effectively, and how to lead employees.

This program will air on Saturday February 1 at 11 AM.  It will be podcast following that on   Frankly, this program will be helpful to every business and organization struggling for success, or if they are successful, in maintaining it.

Not to mention that it’s humorous and inspiring.

Driven to Business, hosted by Eddie Mayfield airs every Saturday at 11 AM on Atlanta’s BIZ 1190 AM, WAFS .   The program is streamed live on and as already mentioned, podcast on

Creative Followership, In the Shadow of Greatness, is available here. 

Driven to Business..  simply the best business radio in Atlanta- Tune in!
