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Archive for January, 2014


John Stirzacker, Marketing, Radio, and West Africa

eddiejohnJohn Stirzacker has decades of experience   in sales and marketing, primarily in the broadcast industry.  He also directs a ministry,  God’s Mighty Voice, that supports faith based radio ministries to West Africa.

Eddie’s interview with John will air February 8th.

Presently with Salem Broadcasting in Atlanta, John’s years of sales experience make for an entertaining and informative program.  Listen as Eddie and John discuss the ins and outs of advertising, salesmanship, marketing, and culture.  You’ll also find the discussion of radio in Mali West Africa interesting, especially as compared to our American business culture.

Driven to Business, hosted by Eddie Mayfield, is heard at 11 AM every Saturday on WAFS, Atlanta’s Biz 1190 AM.

Simply the best business radio in Atlanta..  Driven to Business.  Give it a listen.


Marketing, the web, and your business..

eddie mayfield driven to business
Eddie Mayfield

Marketing is information; information is marketing AND.. Hope is not a strategy.

In today’s complicated messaging world, you had better be able to get your company’s message to potential and existing customers OR, you won’t be around.  Indirect marketing is discussed, as is the ins and out of using websites for business.

The world of marketing, has in many ways, never really changed, although the methods have.  People respond the same as they always have.  People hate to be sold, but they love to buy.  That’s always been true, and it’s the job of any business to allow them to  know about your products and services, and to facilitate an easy purchase experience.

Regardless of what terrific service or product you provide, and how badly someone needs it;  if they don’t know you exist, you’re not going to sell it.  That’s why marketing matters- a lot.

Joey Wenzler, Driven to Business Producer

Listen as Eddie and Driven to Business producer,  Joey Wenzler, talk about how YOU can get your business’ message out.   Eddie and Joey don’t spend too much time on theory, they give concrete examples from their own experiences of what works and what will not.

This is a great program, down to earth, practical, and entertaining.  Listen in.

Driven to Business hosted by Eddie Mayfield is heard at 11  every Saturday morning on Atlanta’s Biz 1190 AM. The program is streamed live on and podcast on

Simply the best business radio in Atlanta..  Driven to Business. Tune in!


Steve Damerow: CEO Loyalty Works


Steve damerow

Steve Damerow is a very successful businessman, who has both founded and acquired companies.  Listen as he and Eddie discuss his career, business principles, the business of Loyalty Works, and leadership.

Driven to Business, hosted by Eddie Mayfield, airs at 11 AM every Saturday on WAFS, Atlanta’s Biz 1190 radio.

Simply the best business radio in Atlanta..  Driven to Business.


Jimmy Collins.. former President and COO of Chick Fil A on Driven to Business

jimmy collins

Jimmy Collins is an American success story if there ever was one.  Starting life in a share cropper’s shack in Georgia, he rose through the business ranks to become president of one of the most successful companies in the world.  Chick Fil A doesn’t just have customers, they have rabid fans, and Jimmy was a big part of that.

People starting from  humble means doing well in business, while always interesting, isn’t all that unique to America.  But Jimmy Collins’ perspectives on how and why it happened to him is.

Jimmy wrote a book about his career, called In the Path of  Greatness” or “Creative creative followershipFollowership“.  His book is terrific, and should be required reading for executives and their staffs at every organization.  But it’s the man behind the book that I find interesting.  The premise of  what Jimmy calls Creative Followership comes from a bible passage.  Proverbs 27:18.. “He who tends the fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who cares for his master will be honored.”

Jimmy was the right hand man to Chick Fil A founder Truett Cathy, and his insights and advice for people at every level of their career is both inspiring and, in many ways, unexpected from a senior executive.

Tune in as Eddie and Jimmy discuss not only his career, but how business leaders can develop a people centered culture within their organizations, how to handle customer problems, how to hire effectively, and how to lead employees.

This program will air on Saturday February 1 at 11 AM.  It will be podcast following that on   Frankly, this program will be helpful to every business and organization struggling for success, or if they are successful, in maintaining it.

Not to mention that it’s humorous and inspiring.

Driven to Business, hosted by Eddie Mayfield airs every Saturday at 11 AM on Atlanta’s BIZ 1190 AM, WAFS .   The program is streamed live on and as already mentioned, podcast on

Creative Followership, In the Shadow of Greatness, is available here. 

Driven to Business..  simply the best business radio in Atlanta- Tune in!







Steve Damerow, CEO of Loyalty Works on Driven to Business

Steve damerow

Steve Damerow is a successful businessman,  and has years of expertise in the incentive business.  Steve’s clients range from fortune 500 companies to small entrepreneur operations.  Steve’s company, Loyalty Works, is a major player in the incentive business.  Incentives are used to encourage distributors, employees, and customers by giving them access to immediate valuable rewards when certain goals or objectives are met.

A big part of Steve’s success has been his unique abilities to leverage technology.  You’ll want to listen in because this is something every company needs to learn how to do.   Steve also shares great insights about leadership, encouragement, setting worthwhile goals, and employee training, management, and retention.

Steve’s interview on Driven to Business, hosted by Eddie Mayfield  will air at 11 AM, on Saturday Jan 18th on WAFS, Biz 1190 AM in Atlanta.   Driven to Business is streamed live on and podcast on 

Driven to Business, hosted by Eddie Mayfield airs every Saturday at 11 AM on Atlanta’s business radio, WAFS, Biz 1190 AM.   Simply the best business program in Atlanta..  tune in.


Greg Galvez, CEO ProShred Security



Greg Galvez was an executive with Coca Cola for a number of years. Is a highly regarded expert on branding,  is the founder of the Galvez Group, and is the CEO of ProShred Security of Georgia.

Listen as Eddie and Greg discuss not only his career, but branding, leadership, and the ins and outs of opening a franchise.  Great Show..  give it a listen.

Driven to Business hosted by Eddie Mayfield is heard at 11 AM every Saturday on Atlanta’s Business Radio, WAFS, BIZ 1190 AM.   Simply the best business radio in Atlanta..



Greg Galvez, CEO Proshred Security on Driven to Business


Greg Galvez is the CEO of ProShred Security of Georgia.

Greg spent much of his career as an executive with the Coca Cola company, and is considered an expert on branding.  Listen in as Eddie and Greg discuss the art and science of branding, business and leadership principles, and how he segued into the Security business.

Driven to Business, hosted by Eddie Mayfield, is heard at 11 AM every Saturday on WAFS, Atlanta’s business radio,  BIZ  1190 AM.

The program is streamed live on and podcast on

Simply the best business radio in Atlanta..  Driven to Business..  tune in.


Chuck Wade, CEO Council on Alcohol and Drugs


chuckwadeChuck Wade is a former Narcotics officer who now spends his time on the prevention side of the Alcohol and Drug addiction problem here in the United States.  Chuck serves as the CEO of the Council on Alcohol and Drugs, and lives in the Atlanta area.  He’s an interesting and passionate guest.

Drug and Alcohol addiction cost American businesses untold amounts of money each year, not to mention the human cost in ruined lives and destroyed families.  Listen as Chuck and Eddie discuss this sometimes controversial, but important issue as it relates to your life and business. You’ll pick up some practical helps  about keeping your business drug free to start with, and tips on dealing with employees and associates who are battling addiction.

Driven to Business hosted by Eddie Mayfield is heard every Saturday at 11 Am on Atlanta’s business radio, WAFS, biz 1190 AM.   Simply the best business radio in Atlanta..  tune in.